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Recent highlights:

  • Philipp Mainik, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría, Magdalena Fladung, Ronald Ernest Curticean, Irene Wacker, Götz Hofhaus, Martin Bastmeyer, Rasmus R. Schröder, Frauke Gräter, Eva Blasco. Responsive 3D Printed Microstructures Based on Collagen Folding and Unfolding.
    Small. 2408597 (2024).

  • Po-Lin Chiu, Juan D. Orjuela,Bert L. de Groot, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría,Thomas Walz. Structure and dynamics of cholesterol-mediated aquaporin-0 arrays and implications for lipid rafts.
    eLife. 12:RP90851 (2024).

  • Saber Boushehri, Hannes Holey, Matthias Brosz,Peter Gumbsch, Lars Pastewka, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría, and Frauke Gräter.
    O-glycans Expand Lubricin and Attenuate Its Viscosity and Shear Thinning..
    Biomacromolecules. 25: 3893–3908 (2024).

  • Soumitra Polley, Tobias Raisch, Sabrina Ghetti, Marie Körner, Melina Terbeck, Frauke Gräter, Stefan Raunser, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría, Ingrid R. Vetter & Andrea Musacchio. Structure of the human KMN complex and implications for regulation of its assembly.
    NSMB (2024).

  • Rita Roessner, Nicholas Michelarakis, Frauke Gräter, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría. Mechanical forces control the valency of the malaria adhesin VAR2CSA by exposing cryptic glycan binding sites.
    PLoS Comp Biol. 19(12): e1011726 (2023).